Click and upload the image and get results in a minute. Using DermaLens, you can check your skin issues free of cost. How does DermaLens work?Click and Upload: Our algorithm developed by AI experts and skin specialists will display the top three skin issues.Important Note:DermaLens AI skin detection is not meant to replace the advice from a professional Doctor.We will add an option to connect with certified Dermatologists for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.Is there any cost to detect skin issues on DermaLens app?No. We believe our research should be available for everyone. Does more percentage mean more probability?Yes. Usually, when your skin issues match with the images in our database, you get a high percentage for a particular disease.In this case, you should get your skin issues checked by a healthcare professional.How accurate are the results?Our results are highly accurate. Our clinical trials have been approved by leading hospitals of Mumbai and the research is backed by renowned dermatologists across India. There might be cases in which a prominent disease gets a lower percentage. That is mainly because of cropping issues or lighting issues. Feel free to share images of skin issues and dermatologist reports or biopsy reports at
[email protected]. Does DermaLens work with dermatologists?Yes. We work with a team of experienced dermatologists.When should you use DermaLens to detect skin issues?If you have the slightest doubt or see abnormal skin patterns in the body, get the area checked. Do dermatologists check the images you upload?No. Only when you consult a dermatologist and allow them to see your images, they will be able to see.Will dermatologists ask for skin images?Yes. At times, because of issues with video call bandwidth, the doctor may ask you to send images of the affected area.